節目介紹 週一至週四 8:45pm/ 週六 10am / 週日 2:20pm 星星蝶舞是妙尼王國的魔法公主,她的父王和母后送她到安全的地球,讓她練習使用皇家魔法杖,但邪惡的魯多和他的手下也鍥而不捨地跟著她。星星有了新朋友麥戈的陪伴,兩人一同並肩對抗惡勢力。 Star vs. the Forces of Evil showcase image01 of Star vs. the Forces of Evil showcase image01 of Star vs. the Forces of Evil showcase image02 of Star vs. the Forces of Evil showcase image02 of Star vs. the Forces of Evil showcase image03 of Star vs. the Forces of Evil showcase image03 of Star vs. the Forces of Evil showcase image04 of Star vs. the Forces of Evil showcase image04 of 更多節目