節目介紹 週日 8am 全新集數布偶小寶貝要來幫你實現夢想了!快來認識聰明的科米,有公主病的佩姬,愛說笑話的法西,天真任性的安尼莫,愛玩特技的岡索還有可愛的小夏,你也可以跟他們一起天馬行空地發揮想像力,在遊戲室裡展開各式各樣驚險刺激的大冒險喔! Muppet Babies showcase image 1 of Muppet Babies showcase image 1 of Muppet Babies showcase image 2 of Muppet Babies showcase image 2 of Muppet Babies showcase image 3 of Muppet Babies showcase image 3 of Muppet Babies showcase image 4 of Muppet Babies showcase image 4 of Muppet Babies showcase image 5 of Muppet Babies showcase image 5 of Muppet Babies showcase image 6 of Muppet Babies showcase image 6 of 更多節目