節目介紹 每週六 9:30am 全新集數 米奇新發明的「玩轉汽車實驗室」,專門改裝妙妙車,讓妙妙車以全新面貌參加比賽。五位好朋友到世界各地爭奪賽車獎盃,而沒有比賽的日子,米妮和黛絲依舊會開著他們的快樂幫手車,到各地協助需要他們伸出援手的人們。 Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures image01 of Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures image01 of Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures image02 of Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures image02 of Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures image03 of Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures image03 of of of of of of of of of of of